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Terms of Service

The information on the website of DALGON Real Estate Concept Portugal Lda (DALGON) is constantly checked and updated. Despite all due care, however, information may have changed in the meantime. No guarantee can therefore be given that the information provided is up-to-date, correct and complete.

With regard to the individual features of the properties presented on these web pages, only the final contractual terms and conditions are authoritative.

By clicking on the link button of other providers, you leave the DALGON website and switch to an external website. As DALGON has no influence on the design and content of the linked pages, including the sub-pages, it cannot assume any guarantee or liability for the information presented on these pages.

In particular, DALGON is not obliged to periodically check the content of third-party offers for illegality or criminal liability. Should DALGON become aware of the illegal content of third-party websites, the corresponding link on the DALGON website will be removed as quickly as possible.

Copyrights and terms of use

The content and structure of the DALGON website are protected by copyright. The reproduction of information or data, in particular the use of texts, parts of texts or images, requires the prior consent of DALGON.

The content and structure of the DALGON websites are protected by copyright. Information and data (in particular texts, text excerpts, prices and images) may not be saved or used for personal purposes - not even in part - without the prior written consent of DALGON. It is not permitted to read out, save or use real estate information - whether manually or by means of technical aids - for commercial purposes. DALGON reserves the right to assert claims for damages against the infringer in the event of copyright infringement.

Trademarks and Logos

The content and structure of our website are protected by copyright. All rights reserved. The trademarks and logos used on are the property of DALGON. It is not permitted to use trademarks and logos without the prior written consent of DALGON or to keep them in use in any other way. Any infringement will be strictly prosecuted by DALGON.

Setting links to

A link to the DALGON website may only be set if it points to the homepage (no deep links) and if no rights of DALGON are violated, in particular copyrights, ancillary copyrights or trademark rights. Other links to, e.g. to more detailed pages of, are only permitted after prior consultation with DALGON.

Requirements to be able to use

Web browser

Our website requires a 5th generation browser. As newer browsers are much more stable and error-free, we generally recommend the use of these browser generations.



JavaScript is a simple computer language executed by the web browser that offers various interaction options. uses JavaScript to make some processes easier for users and for navigation within the website. JavaScript is therefore essential for the use of



Java is a fully-fledged language from Sun Microsystems that can be executed by a web browser. Unlike JavaScript, Java runs in a secure area and does not allow access to the client's data, i.e. the computer on which you are working. Java is used to implement complex applications, such as the "household sum calculator", which can be executed directly without installing any (additional) software.
If you still have security concerns and deactivate this option, you should refrain from using various tools and rate calculators. All other functionalities within are still available to you.


Document download

On some pages of our website you may be abl to download documents in PDF format. To view these, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader®, which you can download here free of charge.

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