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Learn everything you need to know about obtaining a Portuguese Citizenship

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Citizenship by investment in Portugal - obtaining a Portuguese Citizenship

Affluent individuals have the opportunity to engage in investment programs aimed at acquiring a second passport. In this analysis, we will explore the reasons behind the desire for a second passport and provide insights into the locations and procedures for the application process.

Why you should choose DALGON for your investment!


Portuguese residents visit the Schengen Area without a visa and spend up to 90 days out of 180 there.

Visa-free travel to the Schengen countries


The Portuguese residency unrestricted entry into Portugal, even during border closures, and allows residents to stay in the country without any time constraints. Importantly, residence in Portugal is a right, not an obligation; investors are required to spend just 7 days per year in the country.

Establishing a "secure refuge"


Portugal stands as a developed European nation, characterized by a warm climate, scenic landscapes, and pristine beaches. Moreover, it boasts an affordable cost of living and a commendably high level of safety.

Moving to Portugal


Portuguese residents may work in Portugal or register companies there.

Work or business in a European country


Investors have the opportunity to obtain a special Non-habitual Resident (NHR) status in Portugal, valid for 10 years. Under NHR status, individuals are exempt from taxes on global income within Portugal, and the tax rate for income earned in the country is lowered to 20%. This is particularly advantageous, considering that the regular income tax rate in Portugal can reach as high as 48% without the NHR status.

Tax optimisation


Residents have the option to seek medical assistance from Portuguese clinics, and they also have the privilege of visa-free travel to other Schengen countries for short-term treatment, with a limit of 90 days within a 180-day period.

Furthermore, children of residents are eligible to enroll in schools and universities in Portugal.

Access to quality education and healthcare


After five years as a resident, investors are eligible to apply for permanent residence or citizenship in Portugal. Notably, there is no requirement for them to reside in the country; it suffices to meet the program terms and renew their residence permits to maintain their status.

Portuguese citizens, once granted, have the flexibility to reside in any EU country and enjoy visa-free travel to 187 countries, encompassing the USA, Canada, the UK, and Australia.

EU citizenship in five years



Who can get a Portuguese residency?



  • Over 18 years old

  • No criminal record or prosecution

  • Money for investments is earned outside of Portugal

  • No debts in Portugal

  • Capable of confirming the legality of the income

  • Medical insurance



Your spouse can also get the Portuguese residency as long as you can prove your marriage with legal documents.


Children under 18

As long as your biological or legally adopted children are minors (under 18 yo) they can also benefit from the Portuguese residency.


Children aged 18 to 26

  • Financially dependent on the investor

  • Live with the investor or study at a university



  • Financially dependent on the investor



  • Under 26

  • In the investor’s custody


Purchase of investment fund units €500,000+

An investment fund serves as a financial institution with the primary goal of attracting and expanding capital. This fund gathers capital and strategically invests in designated assets such as commercial real estate, Portuguese companies, industrial facilities, or the European stock market.

For participation in the fund, a minimum investment of €500,000 is required, and investors commit to holding their investment for a minimum of 5 years. Typically, the invested capital is returned within a period of 6 to 10 years. Profits earned by the fund are distributed among investors, with a commission applied upon withdrawal.

  • Purchase of fund units: €500,000+

  • Fund commission when investing: Up to 7.5%

  • Annual fund commission on profits: 0.5 to 3%

  • Tax on investment income for Portuguese tax residents: 14%

  • Tax on investment income for non-residents: 0%

  • Medical insurance: €400+ per person

  • Application fee: €582 per family member

  • Residence permit card: €5,812 per family member


Supporting arts and restoring cultural heritage €250,000+

One of the key areas where investment can have a profound impact is in the restoration of cultural heritage sites. Portugal boasts a plethora of historic buildings, monuments, and archaeological sites that are in need of preservation and restoration.


Investing in these projects not only helps to safeguard the country's cultural legacy but also stimulates tourism, creating economic opportunities for local communities. Furthermore, restoring these sites can revitalize surrounding areas, attracting businesses and further investment.

Moreover, investing in Portugal's arts scene can have far-reaching benefits. The country has a thriving artistic community, encompassing visual arts, performing arts, literature, and more. By supporting artists, galleries, theaters, and cultural events, investors can help nurture creativity and innovation while also boosting Portugal's cultural profile on the international stage. 

Furthermore, investing in Portugal's cultural heritage and arts sector can have positive spillover effects on other industries, such as hospitality, retail, and transportation. 


By supporting restoration projects, artistic endeavors, and cultural initiatives, investors can play a vital role in ensuring that Portugal's rich cultural legacy continues to thrive for generations to come.


Investment in research activities €500,000+

As a country with a burgeoning reputation for scientific excellence and a supportive environment for research and development (R&D), Portugal offers investors a unique opportunity to contribute to advancements in technology, healthcare, and sustainability while reaping significant returns on investment.


Portugal has been actively nurturing its startup ecosystem, particularly in cities like Lisbon and Porto, which have become hotbeds for tech innovation. By investing in startups, incubators, and research centers focused on emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and renewable energy, investors can drive forward Portugal's position as a leader in innovation on the global stage.

By funding research projects, establishing research chairs, and supporting collaborations between academia and industry, investors can help accelerate the pace of discovery and innovation in Portugal.

Additionally, investment in Portugal's research activities can lead to significant advancements in healthcare and medicine. 

Moreover, investing in research and development can drive sustainability initiatives in Portugal. With a growing focus on environmental conservation and renewable energy, there is a significant need for innovative solutions to address climate change and promote sustainable development.


Business investments €500,000+

Investing in Portugal offers a mutually beneficial opportunity for both investors and the country itself, fostering economic growth, innovation, and job creation. Portugal, known for its strategic location, skilled workforce, and supportive business environment, presents a compelling destination for investors seeking to capitalize on diverse sectors ranging from technology to tourism.

For investors, Portugal offers several advantages that contribute to a favorable investment climate especially if they create at least five jobs by investing. Firstly, the country's strategic location provides easy access to European markets, making it an attractive destination for businesses looking to expand their reach. Additionally, Portugal boasts a skilled and educated workforce, with a strong emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurship. This talent pool, combined with relatively low labor costs compared to other European countries, presents investors with opportunities to build competitive and sustainable businesses.

Furthermore, Portugal's business-friendly environment is characterized by streamlined bureaucratic procedures, favorable tax incentives, and supportive government policies aimed at attracting foreign investment. Initiatives such as the Portugal 2020 program, which provides funding for innovation, research, and development projects, further incentivize investment in key sectors.


Opening a company

Portugal has emerged as one of the most attractive destinations for investment in recent years, owing to its stable political environment, competitive tax regime, and access to international markets.


To invest in Portugal and create jobs, the first step is to establish a company. The process is relatively straightforward and can be completed efficiently with the assistance of legal and financial advisors. Investors have several options for company structures, including limited liability companies (LLCs), public limited companies (PLCs), and branch offices of foreign companies.


Once the company is established, investors can focus on creating employment opportunities in Portugal. The government offers incentives for companies that create jobs, including grants, subsidies, and reductions in social security contributions. By hiring local talent and investing in workforce development, companies not only contribute to the economy but also benefit from a skilled and motivated workforce. Moreover, creating jobs fosters economic growth, reduces unemployment, and enhances social cohesion within the community.

Investing in Portugal by opening a company and creating jobs is not only a financially rewarding endeavor but also a socially responsible one. It offers investors the opportunity to leverage Portugal's favorable business climate, access untapped markets, and contribute to the country's economic development. By investing in human capital and fostering job creation, companies play a vital role in building sustainable and inclusive growth that benefits both the economy and society as a whole.


A certified Compliance Anti Money Laundering Officer meticulously verifies the investor's details against international databases. Our comprehensive check significantly reduces the risk of refusal to just 1%. 

The preliminary Due Diligence is a mandatory step, as we do not proceed to sign a contract with an investor without it. In cases where we identify a potential risk of refusal, we proactively propose viable solutions such as providing additional documents or exploring alternative investment programs.

1. Preliminary Due Diligence

Individuals are assigned a distinct nine-digit number known as "Número de Identificação Fiscal" (NIF) upon application. The NIF is essential for various activities in Portugal, including opening a bank account, purchasing or renting real estate, registering a business, and numerous other scenarios.

2. Obtaining a tax number

Participation in the Portuguese residency program necessitates the investment to be initiated from the applicant's account within a Portuguese bank. We facilitate the process of opening and activating the account. Once all preparations are complete, the applicant can proceed to transfer the required investment funds.

3. Opening of an account in a Portuguese bank

The applicant selects an option based on their preference, which may involve purchasing investment fund units, establishing a company with the requisite job creation, or making an investment to support arts or science. Our legal team diligently gathers all the necessary supporting documents to substantiate the undertaken investment.

4. Investing

Immigrant Invest legal professionals furnish investors with a personalized document checklist essential for residence permit application. They adeptly complete government forms and assist in the translation and notarization of documents. The entire process typically spans up to two weeks. Subsequently, electronic copies of the documents are submitted to the AIMA (Agency for Integration, Migrations, and Asylum of Portugal) for evaluation, with the application undergoing a thorough consideration period lasting 4 to 5 months.

5. Preparation of documents and application

The investor and their family are required to visit Portugal to submit original documents and provide fingerprints for residence permit cards. It is essential to pre-book the fingerprinting appointment through the electronic registration system.

6. Fingerprinting

The AIMA scrutinizes the investors' documents for a duration of up to eight months, commencing from the submission of the original documents and biometric data. Following approval, the investor settles the fee for the residence permit cards. These cards are then processed within two weeks and personally issued to the investor or their proxy, usually their lawyer, who subsequently dispatches the documents to the investor.

7. Approval and getting the residence permit cards

To uphold residency, the investor and their family members are required to spend a minimum of seven days annually in Portugal. The residence permit must undergo renewal every two years. The renewal process mirrors the initial application, involving the collection of identical documents, online submission, fingerprinting, application of original documents, and the acquisition of new residence permit cards.

8. Renewal of the residence permit



Navigating the complexities of immigrant investment programs requires specialized knowledge, and we excel in this domain. Our team is well-versed in the intricacies of immigration laws and investment landscapes, ensuring a seamless and successful investment journey for our clients.


Navigating the complexities of immigrant investment programs requires specialized knowledge, and we excel in this domain. Our team is well-versed in the intricacies of immigration laws and investment landscapes, ensuring a seamless and successful investment journey for our clients.


Recognizing the diverse objectives of immigrant investors, we provide a range of tailored investment options. Whether you seek short-term gains, long-term stability, or a combination of both, our portfolio of opportunities accommodates your unique financial goals.


Our international reach ensures that your investment is well-placed in markets with robust potential. Benefit from our global network as we identify investment avenues that align with your aspirations and contribute to your wealth accumulation.


Beyond the investment, DALGON is committed to guiding you through the entire immigration process. From application procedures to documentation, our dedicated team provides unwavering support, making your journey to a new residency or citizenship smooth and stress-free.


We understand that successful immigration goes beyond financial considerations. DALGON offers support for cultural integration, providing resources and assistance to help you adapt seamlessly to your new home.


Open communication and trust are fundamental to our client relationships. We keep you informed at every step, ensuring transparency in all aspects of your investment and immigration endeavors.

Why choose DALGON for your investment?

Choose DALGON for an investment experience that transcends borders. Embrace a future enriched by financial prosperity, global opportunities, and the freedom that comes with strategic immigrant investments. Together, we build a foundation for success in your new chapter of life.

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